Monday, April 9, 2007


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BJ Novak.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Jason Mraz. (not smaller on purpose, I'm just too lazy to resize).

This will be like one of those "can you find the differences?" puzzles, like in the Sunday paper. (Which, for the record, I can never figure out.)

Do I have a type?

I'll let America decide. a later date, I will hand you a photocopied Venn Diagram of their similarities and differences.


Kyla said...

don't be mean nick. just because i happen to have a thing for hilarious, adorable brunettes doesn't mean you have to be mean.

Nick Lopez said...

woah wooah woah. i take it back. this is all perfectly normal or something.

personally, bj novak takes the cake on this one.