Thursday, November 29, 2007


Ergh. Ahhhhh. What the friiiiick. (said in Elliot voice)

First off, congratulations Kyla, on not spewing your thoughts for almost 3 months. Huzzah!

Secondly, how much longer until we’re out of high school? I’ve gone stir crazy. San Diego isn’t far enough.

You know you’re ready to leave somewhere when you don’t even feel like you’re friends with your friends anymore.

Things I am done with:
1. Rio freaking Americano. See caustic admissions essay for reasons why.
2. Facades. I’m such a hypocrite.

I came to a rather significant revelation tonight, but it’s too kyla-specific to be posted.

In any case, I’m done with trying to cling on to nothing. It’s time for everyone else to put in some effort.

Jokes do not a friendship make. You couldn’t list two things (not school related) that are currently affecting my life if you had a gun to your head.

1 comment:

natalieee said...

i feel this way a lot.

and i'm also very happy you're posting!